Secondary angles The secondary angles include numerous other adjustments, such as: SAI (Steering Axis Inclination) (left & right) Included angle (left & right) Toe out on turns (left & right) Maximum Turns (left & right) Toe curve change (left & right) Track width difference Wheelbase difference Front ride height (left & right) Rear ride height (left & right) Frame angle Setback (front & rear) Setback is the difference between right side and left side wheelbase length. It can also be measured as an angle. Setback less than the manufacturer specified tolerance (for example about 6mm) does not affect car handling. That's because, when the vehicle is turning, one wheel is ahead of the other by several centimetres and therefore the setback is negligible. There are even some car models with different factory setting for right and left side wheelbase length, for various design reasons. An off-spec setback may occur because of a collision or a difference between right and left caster.[1] Rake is the difference between the front ride heights and the rear ride heights, a positive number when the rear ride height is larger.
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